That is why we have taken numerous steps to protect the 安全、健康和福利 of our team members around the world. With an aspirational goal to assure we cause no harm to our people, we have made our Total Safety Culture an integral part of our operating philosophy. This approach is built into every one of our processes, procedures and systems and into the attitudes and values of every employee.
我们还认为,多元化和包容性的员工队伍对我们未来的业务成功至关重要. 我们知道,从不同的背景和观点中汲取灵感可以促进创新和创造力, 提升我们能为客户提供的产品和服务,并树立新的行业标准. 多样化的经验还有助于创建具有更强治理和解决问题能力的弹性组织. 研究还表明,多元化组织的表现优于那些不投资于多元化的组织,员工将社会影响视为组织成功的首要指标, 强调鼓励员工积极参与企业可持续发展计划的重要性.
Learn how each of these goals aligns with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development 目标 (SDGs).
We are committed to nurturing a safe, 多元化和包容的工作环境,鼓励和奖励新想法和创新思维. 基于这些优先事项,我们为该项目确立了以下社会目标:
Reduce our Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) by 20% by 2025.
不断地鼓励, 告知并授权每位员工积极参与皇冠的可持续发展计划, creating meaningful connections between their daily tasks, their personal lives and the impact they can make in the environment and society.
Evolve toward a more employee-centric organization where 多样性 & 包含(D&1)意识根植于组织文化中,让我们的员工在工作中表现真实. Encourage our top management to be D&I role models as a source of inspiration 为 all.
回到顶部We will continue to elevate our safety and diversity standards and practices, along with our focus on building an engaging work environment. 优先考虑业务的这些方面不仅能吸引最优秀、最聪明的人才,还能支持我们的员工,让他们做真实的自己, 尽他们最大的努力,使他们能够成为环境和社区进步的一部分. To achieve these goals, we will:
- Reinvigorate our Safety Awareness 为 Employees (SAFE) program, which has helped significantly reduce injuries across our operations.
- 通过扩大平衡安全记分卡的使用,包括我们全球业务的滞后和领先指标,监测和衡量持续的安全改进.
- Implement a comprehensive Severe Injury and Fatality (S.I.F.缓解计划.
- 利用变更管理(MOC)流程作为最佳实践,实施严格的非常规工作前计划和分析, ensuring that risks are carefully evaluated and controlled 为 non-routine tasks.
Employee engagement in sustainability
- 通过教育和培训建立员工的可持续发展知识和能力. 这包括在招聘和入职过程中提供可持续发展材料.
- 建立系统和流程,促进可持续发展融入员工的日常决策.
- 与员工合作,部署符合他们兴趣领域的可持续性最佳实践.
- 为员工创造机会,让他们在工作和社区中成为可持续发展的倡导者,并获得奖励和认可. This includes incentivizing skills-based volunteering.
- Form Green Teams to help improve the workspace, create efficiencies and advance implementation of Key Per为mance Indicators (KPIs).
多样性 & 包容
- Deploy new diversity and inclusion workshops and training addressing unconscious bias, 性别差异, women in leadership roles and other topics.
- 认识到维&I 最佳实践 that are implemented in our facilities.
- Update our recruitment and onboarding processes, helping us be the employer of choice 为 existing and future employees. 这包括制定区域办法来吸引和发展少数民族和妇女的人才.
- Review all current policies, practices and procedures to identify gaps and issue new guidance as needed.
- 在我们所有的工作场所营造积极的工作环境,避免骚扰和欺凌.
- 建立D&I committees in each of the Company’s Divisions.
Our 可持续性 Stories: Progress in Practice
回到顶部在气候行动方面,我们在全球的员工和业务部门已经在尽自己的一份力量. Here are just a few examples of how they are making a difference:
二十by30 Charitable Giving Program
We recently established our 二十by30 慈善捐赠计划 to support organizations and charities in the local communities in which we operate. 我们捐赠的组织是由我们全球业务部门的员工提名的,通常代表着有意义的个人关系. 我们很自豪能成为一个雇主,通过帮助员工最关心的人和地方,并帮助资助那些可能不可能实现的项目,来支持我们的员工.
As part of our commitment to accelerate sustainability, we actively call on our employees to create and share 最佳实践 提高效率和流程的项目努力可以为我们的全球客户带来好处.
Helping Women Reach Their Full Potential
在云顶集团糖果游戏,我们相信D&I is critical to our business success. 我们努力创造一个环境,使公司的每个人都有机会充分发挥自己的潜力. 达到对等, we are committed to providing flexibility, support and creating opportunities 为 everyone, especially women across the world. 发现我们的继续 视频系列 highlighting the inspirational stories of women working at 云顶集团糖果游戏.
After identifying local projects 为 children and teenagers with disabilities, team members in our Cabreuva, 巴西基金投资了几个伙伴关系,以加强资源并回馈社区. 两个旨在促进音乐文化和教育的项目包括舞蹈课和乐器课. 第三个项目涉及一个篮球项目,培训轮椅使用者进行这项运动. As a result of the plant’s participation in the programs, 约有100人获得了新的技能和机会,改善了身心健康, socialization and self-esteem.
As part of its Health Initiative Program, 我们在科林索斯的伙伴, 2020年初,希腊一家工厂与Korinthos综合医院合作,组织了一次献血活动,以解决该省的供应短缺问题,并帮助满足极端的输血需求. Specialized doctors were on site to answer questions, educate employees about the benefits of blood donation and to help conduct the drive.
环境、健康 & 安全(EHS)
回到顶部UN 可持续性 Development 目标
回到顶部In 2015, 联合国大会宣布了17项可持续发展目标,以应对全球变化,并为到2030年实现这些目标制定了行动蓝图.
我们的可持续优先事项与可持续发展目标保持一致,使我们的行动能够产生更大的集体影响. Learn more about our alignment with each goal.
回到顶部Have questions about our approach to climate action? 联络我们: sustainability@zb-fc.com.